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Post pandemic: the skills to develop

The COVD-19 pandemic has disrupted the way we work. Companies are prioritizing learning in order to get the skills that will be essential in the future.

Surely you've heard about upskilling and reskilling during the COVID-19 pandemic. These are certainly not new issues, as the need to develop workers' skills has become a constant necessity in recent years.

Yet, with the arrival of the pandemic, this need has become more compelling. Indeed, the effects since the arrival of the virus and lockdown have shown the need to make changes that, in turn, need new skills that will enable workers to be ready to face the future. Therefore, both this pressing need, the use of smart working and an increasingly digital world of work, give eLearning an immense opportunity in the race to train workers.

Because of this sudden transformation, however, learning needs have also changed and must be increasingly flexible to adapt to the needs of companies. According to research by McKinsey, there are four areas where the skills required in the post-pandemic are concentrated:

  • Digital skills: the pandemic has demonstrated the ability of technology to be able to allow employees to continue to be operational remotely. Therefore, workers must possess the basic digital skills to be able to meet the various challenges that the pandemic and the world of work present or will present in the future.
  • Propensity to innovate: the new evidence brought into play by the digital revolution and the pandemic has made it even more apparent that employees need to develop skills such as problem-solving and be able to tackle challenges with creativity and a strong tendency to innovate.
  • Emotional intelligence: the social distancing caused by the lockdown has shown the need to have to maintain contacts and relationships even at a distance. Therefore, characteristics such as empathy, interpersonal communication and emotional intelligence have become even more necessary.
  • Train resilience: after the "earthquake" caused by the pandemic, it is critical that workers develop their resilience and adaptive skills. These characteristics are not only needed professionally, to be able to maintain high standards in times of great change, but also to find balance on a psychophysical level.

Of course, the need to acquire these new skills does not only affect those who already work in the company. Many have lost their jobs due to the pandemic. For this reason, the interest in reskilling and upskilling has grown enormously in recent months. This is a situation that could exponentially increase the opportunities for those involved in eLearning, if they are able to understand the needs of companies and workers.

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