eLearningNews: risorse gratuite
In questa pagina trovi l'elenco delle risorse gratuite che eLearningNews mette a tua disposizione. Si tratta di Ricerche, Ebook, Whitepaper e altri studi e pubblicazioni realizzati da soggetti diversi che possono aiutarti ad approfondire specifici argomenti o a realizzare particolari soluzioni di formazione in eLearning.
Fosway Research - Being Successful in a Post-Pandemic World
95% of the directors of the L&D department say that the training will no longer be the same because of the experience and consequences of the COVID-19 emergency. But what will digital learning be like in the future?
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e-Learning Methodologies - A guide for designing and developing e-learning courses
The purpose of this guide is to provide detailed guidance on designing and developing an e-learning course for trainers and instructional designers who are new to e-learning design. It also provides basic concepts and information on the processes and resources involved in e-learning development, which might be of interest to capacity-development managers.
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eLearning Trends in 2019 - Your Guide to Enhance, Measure, Maximize the Impact and Returns on Your Learning Strategies in 2019
To measure and maximize the impact of your training programs, the eBook suggests you should definitely take a closer look at trends such as Self-Directed Learning, Next-Gen LMSs, User-Generated Content, and Big Data.
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U.K. L&D Report 2019 - Benchmark your workplace learning strategy
Learning Leaders interviews: L&D as a competitive advantage and using the apprenticeship levy to attract and retain top talent.
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Linkedin 2019 Workplace Learning Report
2019 is the breakout year for talent development. As the modern workplace evolves, we see an imminent shift in the power, focus, and influence of professionals with learning and development (L&D) responsibilities.
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European-wide e-Learning Recognition Review Report
The aim of the Review Report is to study the conditions under which SME employees will be more likely to accept and use technology-based learning and make general recommendations as to what strategies SMEs need to adopt to gain the acceptance of their employees.
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e-Learning Best Practice Guide
This e-learning Best Practice Guide provides an overview of what is currently considered to be a measured and creative approach to e-learning.
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e-Learning Best Practice Guide (Abstract Italiano)
Questo documento è un estratto del Best Practice Guide sull’elearning che costituisce uno dei risultati del progetto europeo “SMEs & e-learning (SMEELEARN)”. Il progetto ha l’obiettivo di trasferire usuali pratiche elearning alla formazione professionale necessaria per lo sviluppo delle PMI.
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Beginner's Guide to LMS solutions: tips for investing in the best LMS for your organization
What do you need to know when you need to select a new LMS platform? What are the hidden costs and the implementation obstacles you need to avoid with your new eLearning platform? How can you simplify the decision-making process of evaluating and choosing an LMS system?
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Your step-by-step guide to design high-impact blended training - with 7 success stories
The e-book offers valuable information on how effectively switching from training in the presence to blended training.
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Workplace learning report 2017 (Linkedin)
The Learning division of Linkedin gathered around the world in 2017 a series of information from 500 training and development (T&D) professionals with the aim of discovering the trends and main challenges that these training professionals are facing at the workplace.
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eLearning trends and predictions for 2018
Discover eLearning trends and predictions for 2018: how will be the digital learning this year? What will continue to offer value, what shift towards higher adoption during the last year and emerging trends.
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Protecting Workers in the Online Platform Economy: An overview of regulatory and policy developments in the EU
The report describes potential occupational health and safety risks (SSL) that have been identified in connection with work on online platforms to highlight the challenges current regulatory approaches to Health and Safety at Work and to present the most significant examples currently being held in some European countries.
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Changing eLearning Dynamics In The Enterprise To User-Generated Content
The growth of e-Learning content generated by users/workers, often turned into producers of knowledge through corporate social networks, is blossoming.
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Designing eLearning Courses For Adult Learners: The Complete Guide
Discover the methodological aspects of the andragogical training, i.e. aimed at adults. The questions to which the ebook provides answers are: do adults learn the same way about their young counterparts? Or do they need their special approach to absorb information? Do you know what your adult students need to achieve their goals and face daily challenges? Are you looking for ways to keep your adult students engaged during their e-learning course? Are you meeting the needs of your adult students using the correct teaching design processes?
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Training activities defined as Microlearning can be significantly improved with new technologies both as a design and as an efficient distribution of contents. How to enable students to access information and answers to their questions when and where they need it most?
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eLearning templates from A to Z
Many times, in the face of excellent e-Learning content, there is not as much attention and clarity in the graphic models used. Sometimes they are even obsolete. To learn about the essential elements of an effective e-Learning model and understand how to improve the effectiveness of e-Learning courses, download this ebook.
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The Ultimate Guide To Successful eLearning Implementation At The Workplace
A workplace eLearning initiative has the potential to become a humongous success, provided you hit the right notes. Find out more.
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How To Build A Successful eLearning Career
Are you interested in a career in eLearning but aren't sure where to start? Have you considered transitioning your current eLearning freelancing into something a bit more permanent? Do you get bored working in just one eLearning niche? You have the knowledge, but how do you get the clients? Download our Free eBook to find out all the answers you seek about how to build a successful eLearning career.
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Successful Custom eLearning Content Development
What Are The Most Effective Tips For Custom eLearning Content Development? The Best Custom eLearning Content Development Experts share their personal stories and anecdotes.
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The Ultimate Guide To Promoting Your eLearning Event
eLearning Event Announcements have the potential to raise awareness about your upcoming function, boost attendance, and build your brand image. Make your next eLearning event a success by promoting it online!
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