eLearningNews: risorse gratuite

In questa pagina trovi l'elenco delle risorse gratuite che eLearningNews mette a tua disposizione. Si tratta di Ricerche, Ebook, Whitepaper e altri studi e pubblicazioni realizzati da soggetti diversi che possono aiutarti ad approfondire specifici argomenti o a realizzare particolari soluzioni di formazione in eLearning.

  • e-Learning Best Practice Guide (Abstract Italiano)

    Questo documento è un estratto del Best Practice Guide sull’elearning che costituisce uno dei risultati del progetto europeo “SMEs & e-learning (SMEELEARN)”. Il progetto ha l’obiettivo di trasferire usuali pratiche elearning alla formazione professionale necessaria per lo sviluppo delle PMI.

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  • Workplace learning report 2017 (Linkedin)

    The Learning division of Linkedin gathered around the world in 2017 a series of information from 500 training and development (T&D) professionals with the aim of discovering the trends and main challenges that these training professionals are facing at the workplace.

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  • Designing eLearning Courses For Adult Learners: The Complete Guide

    Discover the methodological aspects of the andragogical training, i.e. aimed at adults. The questions to which the ebook provides answers are: do adults learn the same way about their young counterparts? Or do they need their special approach to absorb information? Do you know what your adult students need to achieve their goals and face daily challenges? Are you looking for ways to keep your adult students engaged during their e-learning course? Are you meeting the needs of your adult students using the correct teaching design processes?

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  • Microlearning

    Training activities defined as Microlearning can be significantly improved with new technologies both as a design and as an efficient distribution of contents. How to enable students to access information and answers to their questions when and where they need it most?

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  • eLearning templates from A to Z

    Many times, in the face of excellent e-Learning content, there is not as much attention and clarity in the graphic models used. Sometimes they are even obsolete. To learn about the essential elements of an effective e-Learning model and understand how to improve the effectiveness of e-Learning courses, download this ebook.

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  • eLearning career - 2eLearning career - 1How To Build A Successful eLearning Career

    Are you interested in a career in eLearning but aren't sure where to start? Have you considered transitioning your current eLearning freelancing into something a bit more permanent? Do you get bored working in just one eLearning niche? You have the knowledge, but how do you get the clients? Download our Free eBook to find out all the answers you seek about how to build a successful eLearning career.

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