The importance of using simple language in eLearning

In today's world where we are overloaded with information, using simple language that can be understood quickly is becoming a priority.
In today's world of work, speed is a fundamental and characterizing component of every company sector and department. Internet communication has accelerated all business processes, including the training sector which is forced to adapt to the rapid pace of business. Many workers and professionals don't have hours of time to dedicate to training or personal development, and it's essential that when you do find time to dedicate to training, it is simple, fast and effective. In this article, we will examine the impact of using simple language on learning experiences.
It's time to put the student in the foreground
Very often you are faced with very long training manuals full of technical and specific jargon, with a lot of text and long-winded explanations that have no visual appeal. If your job is to learn complex concepts but the language is confusing and incomprehensible, you will spend half your time Googling the meaning of words and end up feeling tired because you have to put in double the effort.
Education experts have long agreed that learning doesn't have to be hard work. On the contrary, it should be easy and accessible to all and, above all, engaging.
Understand why plain language is essential
Using simple, clear and direct communication methods within courses ensures that the reader feels at ease when accessing the information and that the message is transmitted in the most immediate way possible.
In the past, it was more common, especially in some sectors, to use formal and more convoluted language. Today, simple and direct language has become almost a necessity in a world where we are overloaded with information.
A 2015 Microsoft study found that since the mobile revolution began around 2000, the average attention span has dropped from about 12 seconds to 8 seconds. This fact is not surprising considering the growing spread of the Internet and the possibility of sending and receiving messages instantly wherever we are, knowing what is happening around the world in real time and making calls and video calls with anyone we want.
The limits of plain language in eLearning
While implementing plain language into e-learning courses offers numerous benefits, there are some challenges that educators and course developers may encounter:
Translating complex ideas into simple language: Some subjects, particularly in specialized fields such as science, technology, engineering and mathematics can involve complex concepts and technical terminology. Simplifying such content without the meaning being oversimplified or distorted can be a challenge, requiring careful consideration and the strategic use of plain language techniques.
Avoid overgeneralization or misrepresentation: Oversimplifying content can lead to overgeneralization or misrepresentation of information.
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