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Collaborative Learning in the Workplace

There is more and more talk about collaborative learning. What are the benefits of this type of learning within the company?

Learning modes are becoming increasingly diverse. Among them we find the so-called " collaborative learning",  a type that is based on collaborative activities between students. This modality is also becoming increasingly successful at the corporate level where group training is showing the practical benefits of collaborative learning. 

Providing areas for sharing knowledge with your colleagues is also key in the eLearning context. Here are some of the key benefits of collaborative learning within the enterprise:

1. Interaction at the heart of learning

Collaborative learning is all about sharing. Workers have the opportunity to share both their learning needs with others and to make their skills and knowledge available to colleagues. This provides an opportunity to grow professionally within the company but also to increase the organization's competitive advantage and improve the effectiveness of training courses.

2. Immediate feedback

Collaborative learning encourages the rapid receipt of feedback that allows the validity of courses offered by the company to be verified. In this way, a virtuous circle is created whereby workers are immediately evaluated and training is constantly updated and improved.

3. Updating skills is easier

Courses and textbooks if not updated regularly, risk becoming obsolete in a short time. In contrast, collaborative learning allows you to emphasize the knowledge of those employees who are experts and always up-to-date on a particular topic and showcase the shortcomings of the company's courses, giving you the opportunity to refresh your training materials.

4. Improves relationships between teams

Sharing learning moments and making one's knowledge available to others means stimulating a better sense of community within and among the company's teams. Thanks to elearning and the possibilities offered by technology, moreover, maintaining cohesion among workers through collaborative learning is also possible in smart working.

5. Improve onboarding

For those who are new to the company, collaborative learning can play a key role. On one hand, the new employee will have the opportunity to immediately feel like part of the team, and on the other hand, it will make it easier for them to quickly learn the skills they need for their new job.

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