How to use quizzes in e-Learning

The choice of using quizzes during an online training course is completely personal. If you decide to do it and you want to be effective, however, you must comply with some guidelines.
Is it necessary to include quizzes in e-Learning or is it better a practical activity? In the reality, the answer is up to each trainer who assesses how the quizzes can help students learning or strengthening their self-esteem. Anyway, those who think that quizzes are good for their students should use them in the best way to be effective.
Here are the main features of a good quiz at the end of an online course.
1. A good quiz is made up of pertinent questions, written in a clear and easily understandable way
Quiz questions must be in line with the course content and must be concise. Additional and unnecessary information should be omitted. The aim is not to ask a trick question but to evaluate if the students have learned the content of the course.
2. The quiz tests what has been learned, at the right time
There is no wrong time to propose a quiz to the students: it can be done at the beginning of the course, during or after the course. The difference is in the goal of the quiz. In fact, some questions at the beginning of the course have the purpose of generating curiosity about the course content or evaluating the starting knowledge. A mid-term test serves to understand if students need to repeat sections or just do a quick review. A quiz at the end of the course in important to understand what has been learned.
3. The test includes appropriate answers
Multiple choice answers should prompt the student to think about what they learned during online training. In case of negative results, you need a feedback getting them back on track. It is better to avoid using too often questions to be answered with True or False mode. We should also avoid answers like "none of the previous" or "all previous ones". The answers must be written consistently from the point of view of content, grammar, length.
4. The quiz is used to give valuable feedback to students
Feedback on responses has a strong emotional and educational value for the student. For this reason, we must explain in a polite manner why an answer is wrong. It is also good to reinforce the understanding of the correct answer by explaining the reasons.
5. The quiz is presented in a coherent and interesting format
To involve all the students, you can use a variety of quizzes from different formats: drag the answer, multiple choice questions, fill in the spaces, open questions, true or false, illustrated cards or games.
Some of these formats can be used for online testing, others for classroom training. The type of test should be chosen based on the skills that you want to test, at the time that students can devote to answer the questions and on the number of people involved in the training.
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