eLearning Africa - Increasing the talents of the continent

From October 23rd to 25th 2019 in Ivory Coast will be held the fourteenth edition of the international conference "eLearning Africa".
E-Learning training is now a worldwide phenomenon. From October 23 to 25, 2019 in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, the fourteenth international conference and exhibition on "eLearning Africa" training and skills development will be held.
In 2019 the conference, which has earned a reputation as the leading edtech conference and exhibition on the continent, looks, among other areas of interest, at how e-learning can help young people on the continent to transform their talents into skills and competences of success.
eLearning Africa is the leading networking event dedicated to education, training and skills development supported by ICT in Africa and brings together high-level policy makers, decision makers and education, business and government professionals.
Rebecca Stromeyer, founder and organizer of eLearning Africa, says that this year's event will be "very practical".
"We will understand how to best develop talent and how to transform the competences present on the continent in successful cases. Some of the world's leading experts will participate in the conference, along with investors, entrepreneurs and political leaders, so it will be a great opportunity to discuss the role of the education, training and technology in providing Africans with the skills they need to project themselves into the future".
A ministerial round table will be held on the conference's opening day. Ministers of education, technology and communication from all over Africa will be present. Discussions will focus on the importance of learning, training, skills and investments to ensure people the skills they need to compete.
Albert Nsengiyumva, executive secretary of the Association for the Development of Education in Africa, considers the topic "vital for the continent's future" and continues: "The pace of change is becoming faster and faster. If we want to make the vision of the 2063 of the African Union of a "transformed continent", we must immediately implement the systems, structures and solutions we need"he said.
"We also need to look carefully at what investors expect from the African workforce and how to make African labor markets attractive to potential employers. Ministers and investors who participate in the eLearning roundtable are an important part of the planning for the future "he adds.
eLearning Africa will be accompanied by an international exhibition of products, services, solutions and courses. In this regard, Stromeyer says: "I saw the exhibition grow year after year and this year there is no doubt that there is real excitement for the opportunities in the EdTech sector in Africa. It is a rapidly growing market that it may soon become the largest in the world and some of the best-known names in the world of education and technology will take part".
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