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Free eBook "Your step by step guide to design high impact blended courses - With 7 success stories [Update 2018]

Suggestions and ideas to move from training in presence to blended training.

Asha Pandey - Chief Learning Strategist for EI Design – has recently published a 2018 update of her free eBook "Your step by step guide to designing high-impact blended courses - with 7 success stories" that offers valuable information on how effectively switching from training in the presence to blended training.

The reasons that are convincing companies to move from training in presence to blended training (classroom + online) are essentially 3:

  • Compared to the past, companies need to train larger audiences in shorter times;
  • Companies can reduce training budgets or need to use available budgets in the most efficient way;
  • Students are looking for more flexibility in the way they learn (on the go and on the device of their choice).

In this eBook you will also find a step-by-step toolkit you can use to turn your course into a blended course and a list of practical tips and best practices that provide further insights to manage the transformation in your business training.

The eBook answers questions such as:

  • What is blended training?
  • Why are we noticing an increase in the adoption of blended training compared to traditional in-presence training?
  • What are the benefits for organizations and students who opt for blended training?
  • What are the challenges associated with transforming from in-presence training to blended training?
  • Which models could you use for the development of blended training?
  • What is our Step-by-Step toolkit and how can you successfully guide yourself through the transformation?
  • What are the tips and best practices that can help you create a high impact blended training?

Contents of the eBook are following:

Section 1 - Basics

Definition of blended training and why there is an increase in the adoption of blended training.

Section 2 - Benefits

Key benefits for organizations and students, from training in presence to a more flexible and mixed training approach. 5 main challenges that you are likely to face during the start of the transformation process.

Section 3 - Deployment

Key models that can be used to determine the "mixture" of training from totally in presence to various levels of online training mix.

Section 4 - Tips and best practices

Practical tips and best practices that can be used to increase the impact of blended training.

Section 5 - 7 Success Stories

7 success stories that will give you food for thoughts and practical insights for turning a program in presence into a Blended training.

Click here to download the eBook in pdf.

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