4 questions on content curation applied to eLearning - Infographics
Content curation can be one of the fundamental tools to be able to offer trainees a more flexible and engaging training path. What is it? What are the benefits of using this discipline for eLearning?
Currently, we are in the information age. We are constantly "bombarded" by textual and visual content through the internet and social networks. Obviously, the danger is just around the corner, as not all these contents are reliable. By now, companies are increasingly aware of the importance of producing valid content and of the need to adapt it according to business needs and the objectives to be achieved.
In the world of eLearning, as we all know, the contents are essential. Only online courses that pay attention not only to the design and usability of the platform, but also to the texts, have the possibility of being successful. In this perspective, a term is strongly inserted: "content curation". What is it? Here are 4 questions (and their answers) that allow us to discover this discipline:
What is content curation?
Content curation is a process that aims to collect, filter, relate, organize and share certain contents that can be useful and interesting for students, and more generally, for users. In the context of eLearning it can be of great help to share with the students not only the course material, but also further details and updates.
What are the main phases of content curation?
The process of content curation can essentially be divided into these phases:
- Choose the area of interest and search for content related to a topic (obviously using reliable sources);
- Analyze and filter the contents to find those relevant to users;
- Share the individual contents or insert them within the training path.
How can content curation improve your online course?
Content curation can offer added value to the eLearning sector as it is useful for:
- create a database always available to students as support in the study;
- offer in-depth information on certain course topics;
- improve involvement and promote debate among pupils.
In order to succeed, however, it is necessary to make a careful selection of the topics that can really add a plus to the course. For this reason, it is essential to include one or more specialists in content curation in your team.
How to assess the real effectiveness of content curation?
In order to assess the impact of content curation it is necessary not only to measure the success of the training path itself but also to analyze student feedback. Remember to add a section dedicated to the evaluation of the contents (main and additional) to receive direct feedback on the quality of the information entered thanks to content curation.
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