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Online learning: e-Learning vs Distance Learning

What’s Distance Learning? And what’s the difference with e-Learning? What’s the best learning method? All what you need to know about the differences between e-Learning and Distance Learning, and how to use them to your advantage …

What is e-Learning?

The term “e-Learning” means the use of multimedia and internet technologies to improve the quality of the learning process (using several different solutions such as, for example, videos, touch-screen technology, on-line tools)

This term often is used improperly, with the idea that this learning method defines remote training, with a physical distance between teacher and students. On the contrary, e-Learning can be used also in the classrooms, because it is not defined by the distance, but by the tools it uses.

What is Distance Learning

On the other hand, the term Distance Learning is used only and exclusively with reference to learning activities involving a physical distance between students and teacher. This may happen for any reason (linked to logistic, organization and any other issues) and technology does not represent a learning added value, but simply enables the communication. For this reason there’s no difference between what happens in Distance Learning and what could happen in the classroom.

Can these learning methods be integrated?

Even if the two terms have very different meanings, despite what many may assume there’s no reason why they can not be combined and create unique and engaging courses.

e-Learning focuses un the use of multimedia technologies to deliver more engaging learning program, but this does not mean it can not be delivered to students located anywhere in the world. This is even more true in our digital era, when smartphone and tablets are so common.

How does this impact on trainers and educators?

We have clear evidences about the options in designing and creating learning materials. In particular:

  • nowadays, Power Point presentations are no longer enough;
  • current technologies enable to create more attractive and engaging learning materials, compared to traditional training techniques;
  • training can be delivered also when students are not physically with the teacher;
  • digital tools allow the creation of contents that can be easily distributed online…

Why not taking advantage of all this …

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