5 tips for recording high quality audio in your e-learning courses

An online course can be beautiful, but with a very bad audio that makes the fruition difficult and boring. How to improve the sound of eLearning courses and make them more effective?
A very important factor in eLearning courses is the correct use of audio, mainly because it allows participants a better acquisition and retention of the didactic contents.
It is therefore essential for training designers to know 5 small technical measures to produce the best quality audio for this purpose.
eLearning training mainly uses a voice for content narration, while sound effects and music are very rarely used. It is therefore essential to decide - during the phase of course design - what kind of voice will be used (male or female) and with what characteristics (timbre, accent, correct pronunciation of the language, etc.).
Naturally, the best results are obtained with professional voices, that is, of the people who professionally put their voice at the disposal of companies for audio-visual products, audio advertising, and so on.
A technical supplier with a nice catalogue of professional voices can help you a lot in the production of the course. However, here are five tips for producing the best quality audio for your web-based training.
Tip # 1 - Specify clearly how pronunciations are to be managed
Different languages require different pronunciations. Therefore, it is always better to give your professional voices all possible examples of pronunciation of a given term. Also, always clarify how acronyms are to be pronounced. As well as technical terms, company trademarks, etc .; and do not forget to highlight the breaks that must be introduced in the speech.
Tip # 2 - Make sure that the names of the audio files to be recorded are consistent and understandable
Since the courses can include numerous audio files, and in several languages, it is necessary that you name your files in a clear and easily understandable way. Also, always provide your speakers with the printed text and in editable file format (txt, word, excel, etc.) because if they make corrections they can also indicate them on the file.
Tip # 3 - Review, review, review
Every script that has to be recorded always has errors, or - if you read it aloud - you feel that there are some linguistic forms that can be simplified to make it more comprehensible. It is therefore always necessary to review several times the text to be recorded, and to ask other people to read so they can help in spotting errors, simplifying it and make it as correct and easy as possible.
Tip # 4 - Provide the text to your speaker a few days before recording
If you provide the text to your speaker a few days before recording, you give him/her the opportunity to ask questions in advance and comfortably test it. When you do the recording there will be less repetitions and mistakes on his/her part.
Tip # 5 - Ask for an expert’ help
If you are recording a course in a foreign language it is always better to have a company contact person who speaks this language, so that he/she can give real-time advice on the pronunciations or fix the text.
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