Business training: growing interest in soft skills and the use of e-Learning

Safety first, then transversal competences, and finally languages and digital innovation.
Despite the use of eLearning training has been, until now, mostly used in the rest of the world, also in Italy a revolution is underway in the field of business education.
The Italian newspaper La Stampa, reporting the data of research on in-company training promoted by AIDP (the Italian Association of Human Resources Directors), certifies that "18% of companies operate through their own Academy. More than 16% of companies, on the other hand, outsource training activities with the support of trade associations or external suppliers. Overall, the"homemade" training model clearly prevails".
What are the main contents of corporate training?
"Occupational safety is still the master with 75% of courses; they follow soft skills (65%), ie transversal skills, also called human skills (ability to work in groups, spirit of sacrifice, sense of duty, autonomy, negotiation, effective communication and so on) that are registering a remarkable growth in the internal training paths, foreign languages (54%) and specific themes of the single sectors (39%) follow, although the classroom training with the active involvement of employees is still widely used, e-learning is growing exponentially: it is adopted in 52% of cases".
And as for the emerging issues, it is reported: "4.0 training is the main turning point to seize all the opportunities that the IV industrial revolution can offer".
According to Isabella Covili Faggioli, National President of AIDP "We can say with certainty that without training and innovative skills we will not be able in the medium term to realize the indispensable preconditions for the virtuous development of the new digital and cognitive economy".
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