Useful podcasts for those who work in eLearning

Podcasts are an infinite source of knowledge, even in the eLearning sector. What are the best podcasts on this topic?
ELearning professionals must be constantly updated on the news of their sector. Magazines, courses, conferences and exchanges of views with colleagues can be very helpful for this purpose. There is also another tool, increasingly used: podcasts. What are? They are nothing more than a series of audio files, very similar to interventions of a radio program, which deal with the most varied themes.
These episodes can be listened to online, but also can be conveniently downloaded to your smartphone to be enjoyed offline. There is a very wide offer of podcasts on eLearning or themes strictly related to it. Podcasts are able to inform and update workers' skills, but they are also a source of inspiration and ideas that can be listened to at any time.
What are the main podcasts on eLearning?
The eLearning Coach
It is one of the most historic podcasts on the topic of eLearning. Born in 2003, this resource is dedicated to many topics in the sector and to instructional design. The founder of the eLearning Coach, Connie Malamed, in fact, specializes in this area. This podcast is also accompanied by interviews with the best professionals in the sector.
Rod's Pulse Podcasts
This podcast is the territory of Rodney B. Murray to talk mainly about new technologies applied to eLearning. In fact, the creator of Rod's Pulse Podcasts, is Executive Director of Academic Technology at the University of Philadelphia (Pennsylvania). This podcast is undoubtedly an infinite source of knowledge and stimulation for all experts in the sector.
The Online Course Coach
The episodes of this podcast are of great inspiration for those who design online courses and aim to involve students more and more. All this, creating truly effective content. Jeff Long, the creator of The Online Course Coach, offers his experience especially for the creation of engaging training videos.
The eLearning Guys
Nejc and David are the creators of this podcast that deals with various issues related to eLearning, thanks to their decades of experience in the sector. Tutorials, tips on how to create videos, interviews with experts are among the topics that can be found in the episodes of the eLearning Guys.
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