Articles by the author Matteo Ferrario
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The limits of informal learning in companies
november 2023Informal learning is a way of training that is becoming increasingly popular in companies. Let's find out the limitations and problems with this strategy.
Creating a work environment that supports employees' mental health
october 2023The mental well-being of employees is not only an ethical responsibility, but a strategic imperative for companies. Let's take a look at why, what methods are used and the benefits
How artificial intelligence is transforming project management
october 2023Artificial intelligence has a strong impact on every sector, but project management is being revolutionized by this technology. Let's see how and why
Use eLearning to hire new staff
october 2023eLearning has revolutionized the hiring process, providing a versatile, cost-effective and scalable means of developing a skilled workforce. In this article we see how
The use of chatbots in eLearning
october 2023What are chatbots that use artificial intelligence and how can they be used in eLearning?
Skills mapping: what is it and why do you need it?
september 2023What is skills mapping and how can it significantly increase the profitability of the working environment? Let's find out in this article
eLearning courses: how to create a brand
september 2023Let's find out what branding is and how to create a brand for an eLearning course to make it engaging and distinguish it from others
The future of eLearning from the lessons of the past
October 2023An analysis on the main challenges of eLearning to predict the changes that will impact the sector and find out how to best tackle them
How does eLearning affect our brain?
July 2023How does our brain work during traditional training and during eLearning and how do these differences affect our learning process?
Training strategies for Digital Natives
July 2023Digital natives have innate digital capabilities that companies could leverage in the fast-paced digital age we find ourselves in. How to make the most of this potential?
9 ways to use social media for education
July 2023Social media is the most efficient communication tools we know, but how can we use them to enhance training?
The differences between adaptive and personalized learning
July 2023More and more we hear about adaptive and personalized learning as the future of eLearning, but what exactly are these learning methodologies? And what do they consist of?
How to use podcasts in eLearning
june 2023A detailed insight into how to use podcasts, one of the most popular communication tools of the moment, for an eLearning strategy
The project that brings eLearning into Italian schools
June 2023An important project in Italy is helping to bring eLearning to schools across the peninsula, changing dramatically the learning paradigm. Let's see how it works
Instructional designer: the "brain" of the training of the future
June 2023The digitization of the education sector has made Instructional Design increasingly important. Who is Instructional design and what role does it play?
10 mistakes to avoid when creating online courses
June 2023Creating an eLearning course can be tricky. Let's explore the 10 most common mistakes made by online course creators to learn how to avoid them
mLearning and the learning habits of Gen Z
May 2023The educational needs of Gen Z, digital natives, are very different from previous generations. Let's analyze mLearning, which is very popular among the younger generation
Burnout: what it is, how it manifests and how to prevent it
May 2023Burnout is a disorder now common in educational and work environments. Let's find out what it is, what triggers it, symptoms, and strategies used to prevent it
The best eLearning content: guidance and tips
may 2023Creating content for inclusion in training courses is a central theme for eLearning. Let’s see some examples of contents and advice on how to create them
Occupational safety and high turnover: how eLearning can help
may 2023High turnover requires companies to make an ongoing effort to preserve skills, particularly those related to workplace safety. eLearning can be a valuable aid
Why outsourcing eLearning content development?
May 2023Let's find out when and why outsourcing eLearning content might be a good idea for your company.
7 tips for creating effective and inexpensive eLearning courses
May 2023Not sure how to calculate the expenses of an eLearning project? Is your budget limited? In this article we explore 7 tips for developing effective and inexpensive eLearning courses.
The importance of pauses whilst learning
april 2023We often see pauses as non-productive moments. New studies show that pauses are critical to the learning process.
EdTech: the key markets and business models
april 2023The education technology market is in turmoil: let's find out what the key markets and business models of EdTech are.
The challenges of artificial intelligence in online learning
April 2023Artificial intelligence has the potential to revolutionize the way we learn. But what are the challenges of implementing AI in eLearning?
ELearning tools that use artificial intelligence
5th 2023Pros and cons of eLearning tools AI based and how to leverage the latest applications to enrich learning experiences
Advantages of using YouTube for online training
march 2023YouTube is the largest video sharing platform, and since the human brain processes images 60,000 times faster than text, it is an interesting tool for elearning
Managing human capital in the new world of work
march 2023Companies and workers are challlenged by a rapidly changing world of work. Let's find out how they are reacting according to the "2023 Human Capital Trends" report.
Active learning in eLearning
march 2023Active learning is one of the most effective and popular training methods, but creating an active learning environment online requires a lot of attention.
TikTok can be useful for training
march 2023One might think that TikTok and education are worlds apart, but the opposite seems to be true and social media may be showing us the way to the future of learning.