Articles by the author Paola Giura

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Disability and special needs: the advantages of e-learning

april 2019
E-learning allows students with disabilities or special educational needs to access a wide range of educational paths. What are the benefits? And what are the tools that allow us to improve the accessibility of online courses?

The importance of context in eLearning

april 2019
The details of an online course, from the objectives to the contents, must be contextualized. It is an essential feature that will allow students to be aware of the usefulness of the training path and of the job opportunities.

Instagram can be a useful tool for eLearning?

april 2019
In a world where social networks are an essential communication tool, tools such as Instagram can be useful to keep students' attention high but also to improve learning and stimulate conversation.

5 tips to improve a course according to user needs

march 2019
Student needs must be one of the most important factors to create an engaging and useful online course. For this reason, when designing an online training course it is essential not to forget the users' point of view. What are they looking for?

6 tips to improve an online course

march 2019
The beginning of the year is always a great time to tackle new and old obstacles that can jeopardize the success of your online course. For this reason, we suggest you little ideas to make improvements to your eLearning project.

The use of video improves learning?

february 2019
According to many, using video in online courses can help improve student learning and engagement. Despite this, several scholars and experts do not fully share this theory.

Three tips for teachers who are dedicated to e-Learning

february 2019
Contents, continuous training and teaching methods are some of the main elements to which an online teacher must pay attention. Here are some tips for all those teachers who want to appear in the e-Learning sector.

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