eLearningNews: the latest news from the world of eLearning
What is the actual role of memory in learning?
Memory is our ability to encode, store, store and then recall information and past experiences. How important is it in learning?
Memory is our ability to encode, store, store and then recall information and past experiences. How important is it in learning?
De DomenicoEducation0Free eBook "Your step by step guide to design high impact blended courses - With 7 success stories [Update 2018]
Suggestions and ideas to move from training in presence to blended training.
How to moderate the costs of online training
5 ways to reduce the costs of online training without decreasing quality and still achieving the desired results.
5 ways to reduce the costs of online training without decreasing quality and still achieving the desired results.
De DomenicoPlanning0Why use eLearning for employee training? - Infographic
Online training is more effective than traditional methods.
Articles of 11 April 2018
3 simple ideas to use eLearning for the benefit of new recruits
What can companies do to attract the best candidates and keep them motivated? How can eLearning help them achieve these goals?
RegosaEducation0How to create engaging content - Infographic
The essential elements to easily create engaging content.
RegosaInfographics0Microlearning in everyday life
Examples of successful microlearning in everyday life.
De DomenicoEducation0Articles of 04 April 2018
Best Practices in eLearning Design - Infographic
Companies adopt project management techniques different from a graphical point of view. But which are the best and most efficient techniques in the area of eLearning?
De DomenicoInfographics0Workplace learning 2017
Linkedin Learning Report on how global training and development professionals are facing the most important challenges.
RegosaFree Resources0Most read articles of the month