eLearningNews: the latest news from the world of eLearning

12 January 2024 - n.273

eLearning News post

Storytelling and eLearning: creating stories to facilitate learning

Find out how using storytelling can help you improve online teaching and how to use different narrative structures depending on your training objectives.

Find out how using storytelling can help you improve online teaching and how to use different narrative structures depending on your training objectives.


eLearning News post

Whistleblowing: complete guide to your business compliance

Let's find out what the Italian legislation on whistleblowing provides and what you need to do so that your company complies with the new obligations.

Let's find out what the Italian legislation on whistleblowing provides and what you need to do so that your company complies with the new obligations.


Articles of 17 January 2024

Collaborative learning: what it is and what advantages it offers companies

The new generations have very different training needs from previous ones and collaborative learning seems to satisfy them better than other approaches. Let's find out why.


HyFlex Learning, what is it and what are the advantages?

Discover how to combine the hybrid and flexible characteristics of training, providing an advantageous and useful learning model for every type of student.


Articles of 13 Dicember 2023

The Importance of Progressive Disclosure in Web Design

From Simple to Complex: Progressive Disclosure Strategies for Enhancing the Usability of Web Platforms.


Workplace competitiveness: how to manage it

Workplace competitiveness can be positive for personal growth, but it can create a toxic environment. Let's explore how to manage it effectively.

FerrarioBest Practices0

Localization of content: adapting courses to diverse cultures

When creating a course, it is essential to consider the cultural diversity of the target audience. This is where content localization comes into play.


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