eLearningNews: the latest news from the world of eLearning

27 May 2024 - n.291

eLearning News post

Artistic techniques to include in online courses to improve learning

The use of artistic techniques within e-learning courses allows us to transform banal topics into captivating experiences capable of stimulating the student's emotional work.

The use of artistic techniques within e-learning courses allows us to transform banal topics into captivating experiences capable of stimulating the student's emotional work.


eLearning News post

Visual Feedback in eLearning: how to provide effective visual responses

The visual feedback technique is an essential tool for providing students with feedback on their performances and learning prospects.

The visual feedback technique is an essential tool for providing students with feedback on their performances and learning prospects.

PagniBest Practices0

Articles of 22 May 2024

Data migration in eLearning: what it is and why it matters

In this article we discover what data migration is, why it is talked about so often and why it is fundamental for eLearning

FerrarioBest Practices0

The use of generative artificial intelligence in eLearning

Let's discover the best practices and key strategies for successfully implementing generative artificial intelligence in online training.

MelilliBest Practices0

Articles of 15 May 2024

Lifelong Learning: the role of eLearning in lifelong learning

Let's find out how online learning can support lifelong learning in both the professional and personal fields.

BernasconiBest Practices0

Color Psychology in eLearning: how colors influence learning

The psychology of color in eLearning, a useful tool for influencing student learning and maximizing results.


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