Articles about the category e-Learning-News


4 questions to evaluate an online course

22 May 2019
At the end of a training course not only the students are evaluated ... but the whole eLearning project. The final moment is essential to summarize the results achieved by the students and the online course.

Gamification and Social Networks influence online learning?

22 May 2019
In addition to the way we communicate, gamification and social networking have a strong impact on e-learning learning processes.

How, when and why choose an e-Learning training provider? - Infographic

22 May 2019
If you don't have an internal online training team, how do you choose the right provider for you? Here are 9 simple tips to follow.

How is the storyboard used in eLearning?

22 May 2019
To introduce audiovisual elements in eLearning we use a technique borrowed from the world of cartoons. If you have never heard of the storyboard you are missing out on one of the crucial tools for designing an online course.

The results of the LinkedIn Report on corporate training 2019

15 May 2019
A LinkedIn research highlights the centrality of education in today's working world.

Is the future of eLearning in speech recognition?

15 May 2019
What are the benefits of an LMS activated by a virtual assistant? How can a voice command be useful for creating inclusive online courses, for example, for staff and students with disabilities?

How to use affordance in e-learning

15 May 2019
The graphic aspect of an eLearning platform, besides making the course more enjoyable, also has a practical value. Through the conscious use of design elements it is possible to make the interface more useful and more intuitive for students.

Knowledge transfer through e-Learning courses

15 May 2019
Do your employees fail to apply the knowledge they have acquired through online learning? Here are 10 questions that will help you understand what kind of e-Learning course is best suited to transfer knowledge effectively to your employees.

What questions should an SME be asked before designing an online course?

8 May 2019
The questions to be asked to a small and medium-sized company are useful to understand what its training needs are. Where to start to prepare a tailor-made online course? Simple: from journalism.

4 questions on content curation applied to eLearning - Infographics

8 May 2019
Content curation can be one of the fundamental tools to be able to offer trainees a more flexible and engaging training path. What is it? What are the benefits of using this discipline for eLearning?

Is it convenient to use inbound marketing in eLearning?

8 May 2019
Promoting an online course through the creation of free content is the essence of inbound marketing applied to e-learning. Does it really work?

5 design elements to make an online course effective - Infographic

8 May 2019
An online course allows you to insert a wide variety of design elements that help to involve students and improve learning opportunities. However, it is essential that the interface is as intuitive as possible.

eLearning at SMAU London 2019

24 April 2019
At the international innovation event "Smau - Italy RestartsUp in London" was presented the made in Italy e-Learning solution.

Gamification: some useful examples for online training

24 April 2019
Those who think that gamification is to produce educational videogames did not fully understand one of the major trends in online education. Here then is what gamification means and how it can be used in the field of eLearning.

How can I create eLearning courses faster?

24 April 2019
Many make the mistake of immersing themselves enthusiastically in the design of the course, without dwelling on some focal points.

Disability and special needs: the advantages of e-learning

17 April 2019
E-learning allows students with disabilities or special educational needs to access a wide range of educational paths. What are the benefits? And what are the tools that allow us to improve the accessibility of online courses?

Neuroscience and learning: 4 debunked myths

17 April 2019
Are there really people dominated by the right hemisphere and others by the left? Does our brain plasticity reduce and "force us to stop" from learning at the age of 3?

eLearning and digital revolution in the Italian school: where are we?

17 April 2019
What has been done so far for the use of e-learning in schools and what could be done to make the most of the potential of online education?

Why collaborative online learning activities are effective

17 April 2019
Online collaborative learning activities facilitate knowledge exchange and active learning and require a strong commitment from teachers, including in the implementation of feedback and evaluation processes.

Professional training: 10 false beliefs - Infographics

10 April 2019
Professional training is a valuable opportunity for companies and employees. Consequently, the question arises: why are there so many objections to vocational training?

The importance of context in eLearning

10 April 2019
The details of an online course, from the objectives to the contents, must be contextualized. It is an essential feature that will allow students to be aware of the usefulness of the training path and of the job opportunities.

Learning management system for mobile devices

10 April 2019
The smartphone is an essential part of everyday life and this would be enough to explain why having an LMS for mobile devices. There are many other good reasons to train on your smartphone.

5 good reasons to adopt e-learning in schools

10 April 2019
Using e-learning in schools to support the traditional teaching method can be useful for several reasons: it facilitates shared learning, makes it more pleasant, stimulates students' curiosity and more.

What are the 16 most valuable skills for recruiters in 2019?

3 April 2019
The approach to learning distinguishes one candidate from another.

Instagram can be a useful tool for eLearning?

3 April 2019
In a world where social networks are an essential communication tool, tools such as Instagram can be useful to keep students' attention high but also to improve learning and stimulate conversation.

The theory of social learning and the impact on online education

3 April 2019
Online courses seem to have solved the eternal debate between behavioral and cognitive theory by applying a hybrid approach to learning: the theory of social learning. But how do you create an online social dimension?

The CSCL model applied to online learning

3 April 2019
Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) is a typology of collaborative computer-based learning that can be easily integrated with the models and processes typical of distance learning.

5 tips to improve a course according to user needs

27 March 2019
Student needs must be one of the most important factors to create an engaging and useful online course. For this reason, when designing an online training course it is essential not to forget the users' point of view. What are they looking for?

Instructional designer: the e-Learning architect

27 March 2019
With the expansion of e-learning the figure of the instructional designer is destined to grow.

Learning object: what it is and what it is used for

27 March 2019
The Learning Object (LO) consists in the possibility of re-using, in the context of e-learning courses, educational material in digital format that can support the student for learning purposes.

Articles from 751 to 780 of 1023