Articles about the category e-Learning-News


How to adapt the content of an existing online course to the specific needs of a client?

20 March 2019
When you have little time and resources to create an online course, the best solution could be to turn an existing online course into a personalized course. Here are some useful tips.

Online training in 2019

20 March 2019
The opportunities offered by eLearning today

How to use digital resources to train managers?

13 March 2019
How important is the training of managers in today's business environment?

The importance of corporate training - Infographic

13 March 2019
Some significant data on company training

Artificial intelligence and online language courses: pros and cons

13 March 2019
Language students approve and some linguists reject the use of artificial intelligence in language learning. Who will be right?

Web based learning: tools, techniques and methodologies

13 March 2019
Web-based learning consists in distributing digital material to all users to facilitate self-learning. The distribution of information material can be in synchronous or asynchronous form.

The technologies of the future at the service of training

6 March 2019
DynDevice platform for an increasingly complete, flexible, effective and modern management of training courses.

How long should last the video of an online course?

6 March 2019
Is it better to make a long video which explains in detail the topic of an online course, or more short videos on the same topic? How to define the short and long concepts in eLearning?

How to use xAPI to make training more effective?

6 March 2019
What is xAPI and how can it be useful? Examples of use of xAPI that are very useful in corporate training.

What is an LRS - Learning Record Store?

6 March 2019
What is it and when does it make sense to have it?

How to structure the training paths

27 February 2019
Do you know the path that the participants take to complete their training? How to better manage the monitoring and why?

The use of video improves learning?

27 February 2019
According to many, using video in online courses can help improve student learning and engagement. Despite this, several scholars and experts do not fully share this theory.

What is an learning ecosystem?

27 February 2019
You've heard of it, but you do not know exactly what it is.

Continuous learning in the e-learning era

27 February 2019
Continuous learning is a process of constant renewal of one's own knowledge, useful both at an individual level and for companies that want to invest in training their employees.

Carl Rogers: three quotes on training

20 February 2019
Humanistic psychology on learning.

The Loneliness Of The Long-Distance Learner

20 February 2019
Online learning is not going away, so our challenge is to reduce attrition by making online learning “less distant” for learners.

Three tips for teachers who are dedicated to e-Learning

20 February 2019
Contents, continuous training and teaching methods are some of the main elements to which an online teacher must pay attention. Here are some tips for all those teachers who want to appear in the e-Learning sector.

What Is UDL? - Infographic

20 February 2019
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is an education framework based on decades of neuroscience research. Let’s discover it together.

How to build a good learning test in 7 steps

13 February 2019
Often those involved in eLearning must create quizzes and questions. What are the 7 characteristics of a "good question"?

How To Study Online Courses Effectively (11 Useful Tips) - Infographic

13 February 2019
Having online classes is a great thing. You never have to turn up to a class in person, just sit with your computer at home, and receive instructions from your lecturer.

How to define the price of an online course

13 February 2019
Analysis of competition and its added value are not enough to establish the price of an online course. Price policy must be included in your marketing strategy.

How to capitalise on flash to HTML5 migration opportunity and enjoy a higher ROI

13 February 2019
For over a decade, Adobe Flash was the de facto authoring tool for creating online courses.

MOOC for e-Learning professionals

6 February 2019
The peak for those involved in eLearning? Never have attended an online course. So it is better to take cover with a MOOC with which to train and put yourself in the shoes of their students.

How to promote online courses from copywriting to video marketing

6 February 2019
Is it enough to write captivating texts to increase the number of students enrolled in online courses or are there other marketing strategies that can be applied to e-learning?

The future of e-Learning

6 February 2019
Given the success achieved by training on online platforms in recent years, the question that touches the mind of many people is "What will the future be for e-Learning?". That's why we decided to elaborate the subject with you.

11 mistakes not to be committed in eLearning training

6 February 2019
A list of the 11 things that an online trainer should not do.

eLearning Trends in 2019 you can use to enhance your learning strategy

30 January 2019
As I began my exercise to predict eLearning Trends in 2019, I took a step back to see why anyone seeks upcoming trends.

10 signals that show you that your employees are dissatisfied - Infographic

30 January 2019
Are your employees happy and motivated in your company?

Customization in e-learning: benefits and methods

30 January 2019
Customizing an online course increases student involvement, but is it always possible to create tailor-made content and at the same time achieve the training objectives?

How to calculate ROI in e-learning?

30 January 2019
Is it really worth investing in e-learning? To know this, you can evaluate the ROI considering the quantitative and qualitative benefits of online training.

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