Articles about the category Education

e-Learning-News » Education

Key eLearning trends

28 September 2022
New technologies are being developed every day, and there are more and more debates about training methods brought about by the development of these technologies. 

Learning Agility: what it is and why companies need it

28 September 2022
Learning Agility is increasingly being talked about in companies. But what exactly is it and how does it contribute to a company's competitiveness?

Students with DSA: more enrollment in Online Universities

21 September 2022
Telematic universities increasingly popular among students with disabilities and with DSA, and among those who choose them, 60 percent more make it to graduation. 

Subconscious language learning: reality or science fiction?

14 September 2022
The spread of eLearning is popularizing subconscious language learning. This method is much discussed by experts, and in this article we explore why.

Mnemonic techniques for eLearning

7 September 2022
Along with comprehension, memory is the main element in training. Fortunately, there are a number of techniques that can support it.

Immersive learning: what it is and how it works

7 September 2022
Features, benefits and how immersive learning works.

mLearning: the importance of giving continuity to training

27 July 2022
Learning on multiple devices can save organisations time and money and make life easier for employees and learners.

How to prepare your company for using a new LMS

27 July 2022
10 steps to implement an eLearning platform within your company and make it quickly operational and profitable.

Cyber attacks: what impact on workers' health and safety?

20 July 2022
The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work looks at cyber security in relation to the impact on workers when assessing cyber risks.

How to use data to optimise training strategies

13 July 2022
It is possible to improve the impact of training by collecting and analysing data. But it is not always easy to collect them nor to know which ones or how to use them.

Geofencing for corporate training

13 July 2022
Let's find out how geofencing can revolutionise employee training and improve safety in the workplace.

Assessing stress in online learners

6 July 2022
Stress is part of learning, but it must be managed so that it does not become a problem and affect the success of the training itself.

Openness to change in the company: the role of eLearning

6 July 2022
For a company, spreading the culture of training and maintaining flexible procedures are essential elements to compete.

How to set up learning touchpoints

29 June 2022
How do we structure touchpoints between content and our target audience?

Project Based Learning (PBL): what it is and how it works

29 June 2022
Project-based learning can significantly improve the effectiveness of a training course and amplify its effects in the extra-curricular context. Let's find out how.

The importance of Self-Directed Learning in the enterprise

22 June 2022
Trained and motivated employees are the main asset of a dynamic company. The two do not always walk in parallel.

Boomers vs Millennials: Closing the Generation Divide

8 June 2022
How can an effective training policy be designed to ensure fair intergenerational access to training, which follows the organisational and skills acquisition needs within a company?

Neuroscience and memorable virtual learning experiences

25 May 2022
To be effective, online training must come to terms with instructional design that takes into account the functioning of the human brain. 

Transformative Learning in Human Resources

25 May 2022
Staff training is a necessary step for a company that wants to grow. The challenge is to avoid that greater competence is accompanied by less open-mindedness with regard to possible decision alternatives.

Will the metaverse be the new frontier of e-learning?

18 May 2022
The metaverse is considered the next frontier of technology. But what exactly is it and how can it change the way we learn and approach the world around us?

The 5 main methods of delivering corporate training

11 May 2022
What are the main methods of training delivery and how do you choose the one that best suits your business needs and objectives?

Learning in the flow of work: how to put it into practice?

27 April 2022
The spread of hybrid working has led to the success of the so-called LIFOW. Let's find out what it is, how to apply it and how it improves company training.

Education problems that technology can solve

13 April 2022
The pandemic has been a great test case for fully understanding the advantages and disadvantages of education technology. What are these problems and what are the possible solutions?

E-learning in companies: advantages and trends

6 April 2022
In the corporate environment, distance learning is becoming one of the most widely used methods to train workers. Here are the benefits of e-learning and the trends for 2022

How can training be adapted to an increasingly fast-paced world?

30 March 2022
In the fast-paced and constantly changing world of business, companies are finding it increasingly difficult to provide training that is in line with their objectives.

eLearning 2022: 29 statistics

30 March 2022
29 amazing eLearning statistics for the year 2022, showing how technology has revolutionised teaching and learning

Data Driven Training: statistics at the service of eLearning

16 March 2022
The best way to manage human resources is to do it with numbers.

Virtual reality in companies and schools: studies and cases

2 March 2022
This article explores how virtual reality is used in corporate and academic training and considers cases and studies done in companies and schools to understand benefits of this technology

E-learning and online universities: trends during the pandemic

23 February 2022
Boom in enrollment for online classes: the number of freshmen has grown by 7%.

Adaptive Learning: revolutionizing the world of learning

16 February 2022
We often hear about Adaptive Learning as an innovative way of learning whose impact can be so significant that it can revolutionize the world of education. But what exactly is it?

Articles from 121 to 150 of 521