Articles about the category Education

e-Learning-News » Education

How to use forums to improve online learning

4 October 2023
Designing eLearning courses involves defining the structure of the lessons and the order of the contents. Forums are essential to multiply the effect on users’ way of learning

The use of chatbots in eLearning

4 October 2023
What are chatbots that use artificial intelligence and how can they be used in eLearning?

How to use active learning for employee evaluation

27 September 2023
eLearning is a useful technology for corporate training objectives. Active learning is that teaching method capable of providing the best advantages for its use

How much does it cost companies not to train employees?

27 September 2023
Corporate training is often considered a cost rather than an investment, but it's important to understand that failure to train costs much more. Find out why

Learning Agility, the 5 techniques to develop it

27 September 2023
Adapting to change and applying ever-changing knowledge to resolve unusual situations in an innovative way is becoming increasingly sought after by companies. Here are the techniques to develop it

How to use problem-solving activities for employee evaluation

20 September 2023
Employee training is essential for company competitiveness. Using eLearning to test the level of problem-solving is a valid practice for evaluating the level of staff training

In Italian SMEs, elderly and poorly trained workers

26 July 2023
The majority of Italian SMEs do little training, not very targeted and only if it is compulsory. This is what emerges from the latest INAPP survey

How does eLearning affect our brain?

26 July 2023
How does our brain work during traditional training and during eLearning and how do these differences affect our learning process?

Training strategies for Digital Natives

19 July 2023
Digital natives have innate digital capabilities that companies could leverage in the fast-paced digital age we find ourselves in. How to make the most of this potential?

How to adopt gamification for employees' assessment

19 July 2023
Introducing game elements into employee appraisal helps make the process more engaging, fun, and most importantly, accurate. Let's find out how

9 ways to use social media for education

12 July 2023
Social media is the most efficient communication tools we know, but how can we use them to enhance training?

Safety at work: how to alternate training and work in a seamless way

12 July 2023
Balancing safety training and work activities can be an organizational challenge for companies. How can asynchronous training help?

Top 5 tactics to overcome resistance to online learning

5 July 2023
eLearning is an effective and comfortable way of learning. However, it is not always easy for students to take the decisive step to access an online course. How to overcome resistance?

Multilingual companies: the challenges of occupational safety training

5 July 2023
To be effective, occupational safety training must overcome language and cultural barriers. Here are the benefits of eLearning

The differences between adaptive and personalized learning

5 July 2023
More and more we hear about adaptive and personalized learning as the future of eLearning, but what exactly are these learning methodologies? And what do they consist of?

How to reduce corporate training costs

5 July 2023
Do you want trained employees without spending mind-boggling amounts of money? Here are some simple strategies to reduce training costs without sacrificing quality

How to use podcasts in eLearning

28 June 2023
A detailed insight into how to use podcasts, one of the most popular communication tools of the moment, for an eLearning strategy

Learning paths: what they are and how they improve learning

28 June 2023
Learning paths are changing the way training is done. Let's find out how this learning format improves the effectiveness of training programs

How to adapt occupational safety training to workers' age with eLearning

28 June 2023
Training employees for workplace safety is a priority. Age difference can be a hurdle that can be overcome with eLearning and a careful course design

Metaversity, why universities should embrace the metaverse

21 June 2023
The Metaverse is considered the next technological frontier in education. But what are the benefits of its application in universities?

The project that brings eLearning into Italian schools

21 June 2023
An important project in Italy is helping to bring eLearning to schools across the peninsula, changing dramatically the learning paradigm. Let's see how it works

Occupational safety training for smart working workers

21 June 2023
When it comes to workplace safety, smart working requires adapting and rethinking risk detection and implementing appropriate training programs

How to assess employees' collaborative activities

14 June 2023
Proposing activities to employees that require collaboration is one way to assess interpersonal skills. eLearning makes it possible to optimize interaction

10 mistakes to avoid when creating online courses

7 June 2023
Creating an eLearning course can be tricky. Let's explore the 10 most common mistakes made by online course creators to learn how to avoid them

Informal learning, spontaneous learning in online courses

7 June 2023
Learning does not necessarily have to take place in a dedicated environment and according to preset patterns. Spontaneous learning can deliver important results

How to use scenario-based learning to assess employees

7 June 2023
Scenario-based learning makes it possible to test employees' skills in realistic situations. Let's find out how to exploit it in the evaluation phases

Social learning as a tool for occupational safety training

31 May 2023
eLearning is a golden standard for occupational safety training. Implementing social learning in the learning process can multiply the benefits of this modality

mLearning and the learning habits of Gen Z

31 May 2023
The educational needs of Gen Z, digital natives, are very different from previous generations. Let's analyze mLearning, which is very popular among the younger generation

Employee-generated learning: what it is and how to derive value from it

31 May 2023
Employee-generated learning reduces the time and costs involved in developing training content for companies. Discover the benefits of this approach.

The impact of the eLearning industry on our lives

24 May 2023
eLearning has transformed the way we learn and train. Let's find out how this has influenced companies, learners and teachers

Articles from 31 to 60 of 502