Articles about the category e-Learning-News


Training on the job: what it is and what benefits it offers

2 September 2020
On-the-job training is among the most effective training methodologies for companies. Let's find out what benefits it offers

Post-COVID Training and eLearning

2 September 2020
What will digital learning be like in the post-COVID future?

Corporate Compliance: how to make training exciting

29 July 2020
A company training project does not necessarily have to be boring. On the contrary, with eLearning tools compulsory training will be more interesting.

How to evaluate the effectiveness of an eLearning course

29 July 2020
Is your online course really as effective as you think? Test it based on the assessment of the course participants, employers and LMS analysis.

How has COVID changed eLearning? - Infographic

29 July 2020
How are the changes in corporate training affecting the budgets and expenses of the training department? What are the best strategies to support people in these difficult times?

Analysis of training needs: what it is and how to conduct it

29 July 2020
All the things you need to know about training needs analysis.

Digital Upskilling: some examples of online training

22 July 2020
The digital transformation requires new advanced skills that affect businesses and employees. How to increase digital skills with eLearning?

The "new normality" and the consequences on training

22 July 2020
One of the sectors that are growing most and need to adapt quickly to the situation caused by COVID is eLearning.

HR and Big Data: the future of HR is more and more data-driven

22 July 2020
Why is employee data analysis becoming a priority for HR departments in companies of all industries and sizes?

The Charter of Rights of Online Trainees

22 July 2020
Online training in 2020 played a crucial role. What are the fundamental rights to be guaranteed to online students?

An online course with a minimalist design

15 July 2020
Minimalism is always in vogue. In eLearning platforms as well as giving an elegant touch to the site is able to facilitate the study and readability.

5 video formats to use in an eLearning course

15 July 2020
There are many ways to do videolessons: with or without the trainer, live or recorded. Here is how to choose the most suitable video according to the participants.

How and why to connect your LMS to the HR management system

15 July 2020
Let's find out why linking your LMS to HR management will improve the effectiveness of corporate training and employee performance.

The world of smart working: legislation

15 July 2020
What is smart working? How is it regulated in Italy, in Europe? And what are the novelties brought by the massive adoption in recent months?

Why are they avoiding your online course?

8 July 2020
The training course you have designed with so much care and effort is not succeeding. Why not? What can you do to attract students?

The tutor in eLearning: tasks and skills required

8 July 2020
The tutor is an indispensable figure for any online course and plays a crucial role in the learning experience of the trainees. Let's find out why.

Sales courses: how to turn them into eLearning courses

8 July 2020
With distance working, sales training must also take place online. How to move product knowledge and sales techniques to the online channel?

The world of smart working: cyber security

8 July 2020
Let's find out the cybersecurity implications that the l nimble work he brought with him.

Smart working: improving employees' skills and productivity

1 July 2020
Continuous training and productivity control are two elements that become even more indispensable in smart working.

The world of smart working: individual health

1 July 2020
For months now, smart working has become part of the lives of many workers in the world. How was it perceived? And what consequences for workers' health has it brought with it?

Tips to improve the navigation of an online course

1 July 2020
Navigating an online course has an impact on the educational success of users and the credibility of the platform. Find out how to make it clear and intuitive.

SME vs. instructional designer: the roles of eLearning

1 July 2020
Who is SME and what is its role in corporate training? What is the difference between the instructional designer and other eLearning professionals?

Videolessons: When is the time to turn off the camera?

24 June 2020
Is it really necessary to keep the camera on all the time, or is it better to turn it off for more effective training?

eLearning in the world: main markets and future trends

24 June 2020
What is the value of the eLearning market in the world? What are the main drivers of growth and future prospects?

How to treat emerging skills internally

24 June 2020
How to develop business skills and agility to respond quickly to future challenges with employees able to move fluidly between projects, teams and work?

Trends in educational technology

24 June 2020
New technologies are an endless resource of educational content. From eLearning, to online libraries, to mass media, education tools are just a click away.

Why do students drop out of online courses?

17 June 2020
eLearning and drop-out rates: What are the factors that drive students to drop out of an online course before completing it?

How did HR trend 2020 change with coronavirus?

17 June 2020
How do the 2020 HR trends change with the crisis and emergency brought by the coronavirus? The floor to HR expert, Tom Haak.

Agile Methodology: how to use it in eLearning

17 June 2020
The term Agile indicates a software development methodology that meets the criteria of flexibility and speed. What are its advantages in online courses?

How to look like a design expert (even if you are not)

17 June 2020
Are you entering the world of eLearning design? Are you scared of the graphic side? With a few tips you will look like a real design professional!

Articles from 541 to 570 of 1023