Articles about the category Planning

e-Learning-News » Planning

Speech recognition in training

7 November 2018
The demand for voice-activated devices is growing and can certainly find its place also in the e-learning sector and in training on transversal skills.

Adult Learning: what is it and what are its objectives

31 October 2018
Adult learning is a training methodology aimed at adults. The field of educational research has identified factors that are essential in relation to the target audience when designing an e-learning course.

How to use downloadable eLearning content?

31 October 2018
9 tips for using downloadable eLearning content in your online training strategy.

6 ways to transform the culture of education

24 October 2018
What is the best way to transform the culture of education in your company?

Gamification: what makes a "serious game" involving and educational?

17 October 2018
The study and conclusions of four MIT researchers.

5 tips to write e-Learning storyboards

10 October 2018
How can the writing of a e-Learning storyboard structure the content of your course? It goes much deeper than a simple scheme. Instead, it is designed to accurately process your course from the beginning to the end.

9 Facebook functions useful for eLearning

10 October 2018
Are you getting the most out of social media in your eLearning strategy?

How to conduct an analysis of training needs with limited resources

10 October 2018
Training gaps are one of the most underrated causes of a company's sales declines. Are you aware of the shortcomings of your organization on the learning and development front?

How to use quizzes in e-Learning

3 October 2018
The choice of using quizzes during an online training course is completely personal. If you decide to do it and you want to be effective, however, you must comply with some guidelines.

6 benefits of mobile learning

3 October 2018
It is undeniable that mobile phone is an integral part of the lives of billions of people. Likewise, the benefits that mobile learning brings in terms of staff training are increasingly clear.

5 tips to hire the right e-Learning voice actor

19 September 2018
When we talk about the voiceover in e-Learning courses, the script makes the difference. But how to choose the most suitable voice actor to interpret your content?

7 creative ways to use Video Demos in online training

19 September 2018
Are your employees tired of the usual online training tutorials and the usual guided presentations? Always choosing the same approach, little by little, can lead to boredom.

Microlearning: what to do and to avoid - Infographic

12 September 2018
5 things to do and to avoid in microlearning

Translation of an e-Learning content: what to consider

12 September 2018
Involving a global workforce in your training content involves localizing e-Learning translations for each market. What does it mean when talking about multilingual e-Learning projects?

3 tips for using storytelling in e-Learning

12 September 2018
Inserting storytelling elements in e-Learning can involve users and make them come back for other training content. Here are some practical tips for using good stories in online training.

How to create good e-Learning content

5 September 2018
e-Learning is a widespread training method that saves time and resources. Is there a way to create good e-Learning content?

5 problems trainees can meet with eLearning user interfaces

25 July 2018
User interface is sometimes experienced as frustrating because it is easy to get lost or because the system does not often work as expected. How to make sure that participants have fluid interactions with eLearning?

6 moves to create a successful training experience

25 July 2018
Mini-guide on the steps you should follow in designing a training experience that focuses on users and not simply about the content.

Does digital teaching really threatening teachers?

25 July 2018
The first word that you associate with training is "teacher". Teachers play an important role in any society. But what changes in the age of technology?

Training needs analysis: when is eLearning the solution?

25 July 2018
A manager discovers a performance problem, so he asks you, as a training designer, to create an eLearning course. Do you take this request on the fly or do you go deeper to investigate the needs?

5 mistakes to avoid when setting up an eLearning course - Infographic

18 July 2018
What common mistakes should educational designers avoid when making an online course? Educational design is used to create content that ensures high levels of user involvement and achieve the learning objectives.

LMS: responsive vs App-based approach

18 July 2018
What are the pros and cons of adopting a responsive LMS or an LMS in app format? Which is more useful for your employees' needs?

How do you make MOOCs more accessible to an international audience?

11 July 2018
How to overcome the major difficulties encountered by students who take mass online courses in English.

5 reasons to use humour in eLearning courses

4 July 2018
How does the sense of humour improve eLearning?

How to achieve the pre-established learning objectives?

4 July 2018
3 Steps that can help you define your learning goals.

3 types of videos for eLearning

4 July 2018
There are many ways to structure and produce a course, depending on available resources and objectives.

Why it is convenient to personalize learning - 10 Benefits

27 June 2018
What are the advantages that can be gained from personalizing eLearning for employee training?

Neuroscience: the focus for educational designers

20 June 2018
When the course is not engaging, students will have problems paying attention and this will lead to poor results. Educational designers must be aware of how the human brain works to maximize the attention of learners.

5 tips for recording high quality audio in your e-learning courses

20 June 2018
An online course can be beautiful, but with a very bad audio that makes the fruition difficult and boring. How to improve the sound of eLearning courses and make them more effective?

7 debunked myths on microlearning

13 June 2018
There are limits to what microlearning can do in the business environment. To use it effectively you must know these 7 false myths.

Articles from 271 to 300 of 352