eLearningNews: the latest news from the world of eLearning
How well do you learn with Experiential or Inquiry Approaches: what’s the best?
What is the best way to train workers? Are security policies better acquired with simulations or content presentations?
What is the best way to train workers? Are security policies better acquired with simulations or content presentations?
Dos SantosEducation0Why it is convenient to personalize learning - 10 Benefits
What are the advantages that can be gained from personalizing eLearning for employee training?
What are the advantages that can be gained from personalizing eLearning for employee training?
MastroleoBest Practices0How to differentiate yourself on the training market?
4 strategies to get noticed in a market full of competitors.
The beginner's guide to LMS solutions
If you need to select an LMS system for your business, this ebook can give you some good tips and some ideas to choose the system that best suits your needs.
If you need to select an LMS system for your business, this ebook can give you some good tips and some ideas to choose the system that best suits your needs.
RegosaFree Resources0Articles of 20 June 2018
Neuroscience: the focus for educational designers
When the course is not engaging, students will have problems paying attention and this will lead to poor results. Educational designers must be aware of how the human brain works to maximize the attention of learners.
De DomenicoStudies05 tips for recording high quality audio in your e-learning courses
An online course can be beautiful, but with a very bad audio that makes the fruition difficult and boring. How to improve the sound of eLearning courses and make them more effective?
RegosaPlanning0eLearning for travel agents
An interactive portal that helps travel agents discover Jamaica.
De DomenicoNews0Articles of 13 June 2018
How to manage lifelong learning in the fourth industrial revolution?
The eLearning response to the request for continuous professional training
De DomenicoNews0The importance of intellectual capital
What is intellectual capital and why is it important? Find out how to invest in intellectual capital with online learning and get the most out of it.
De DomenicoBest Practices07 debunked myths on microlearning
There are limits to what microlearning can do in the business environment. To use it effectively you must know these 7 false myths.
De DomenicoEducation0Most read articles of the month