Articles by the author Sonia Melilli

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The 7 LMS integrations that will improve your business

december 2020
What additions to the learning management system can help you achieve your business objectives?

The importance of STEM training for companies

december 2020
STEM disciplines in support of an "agile" workforce able to adapt to the current digital revolution.

Evaluating the effectiveness of an online course with the Kirkpatrick model

december 2020
How to use the four levels of the Kirkpatrick model to assess the effectiveness of continuing education?

Tips to make it easier to locate an online course

november 2020
How to make an online course not only understandable but also culturally suitable for a foreign audience?

Multilingual online courses: the importance of localization

november 2020
What does it mean to localize an online course and why is it important to do so if you want to reach an international audience?

3 types of webinars that improve the customer journey

november 2020
Find out how to use webinars to improve your customer journey and strengthen your relationship with your audience.

How to create successful webinar

november 2020
What to do before, during and after the webinar to make your online event a success for you and your audience?

Webinar: how to choose the right format?

october 2020
Webinars are not all the same: discover the different webinar formats and choose the one that best suits your needs.

How to write an eLearning course script

october 2020
The script of an online course has a direct impact on its teaching effectiveness. Find out how to write engaging eLearning scripts.

Corporate Intranet: what it is and what benefits it offers to companies

october 2020
What is a company Intranet? And why is it a useful tool for any type of company, especially medium and large?

Learning styles: how do your students learn?

october 2020
The 7 learning styles to know to create an effective online course suitable for all types of students.

Tips for taking an online exam

september 2020
Exam anxiety is common among students of all ages and also affects online exams. Let's find out how best to deal with them

Better a cloud or local LMS?

september 2020
Let's discover the differences and features of the two main LMS models: cloud and local. Which is the best for your company?

How to choose the perfect title for an online course

september 2020
The course title is the first opportunity to capture the attention of users. But how to choose a title that works?

How and why to create a training program for customers

september 2020
Customer training has the potential to create profitable relationships with customers. Let's find out what it is and how to implement it

Training on the job: what it is and what benefits it offers

september 2020
On-the-job training is among the most effective training methodologies for companies. Let's find out what benefits it offers

Analysis of training needs: what it is and how to conduct it

july 2020
All the things you need to know about training needs analysis.

HR and Big Data: the future of HR is more and more data-driven

july 2020
Why is employee data analysis becoming a priority for HR departments in companies of all industries and sizes?

How and why to connect your LMS to the HR management system

july 2020
Let's find out why linking your LMS to HR management will improve the effectiveness of corporate training and employee performance.

The tutor in eLearning: tasks and skills required

july 2020
The tutor is an indispensable figure for any online course and plays a crucial role in the learning experience of the trainees. Let's find out why.

Tips to improve the navigation of an online course

july 2020
Navigating an online course has an impact on the educational success of users and the credibility of the platform. Find out how to make it clear and intuitive.

eLearning in the world: main markets and future trends

june 2020
What is the value of the eLearning market in the world? What are the main drivers of growth and future prospects?

Why do students drop out of online courses?

june 2020
eLearning and drop-out rates: What are the factors that drive students to drop out of an online course before completing it?

The state of continuing education in Italy

june 2020
The low level of continuing education in Italy does not allow employees to keep up with the digitization of professions.

Blocking or not blocking navigation in eLearning courses?

june 2020
Should students of an online course be able to navigate freely through the content or should they follow a set path?

How to choose the navigation style in the eLearning course?

may 2020
Intuitive navigation is fundamental to the success of an online course, but how to choose the most suitable type of navigation for your course?

Why include subtitles in an online course?

may 2020
Let's find out how subtitles improve the teaching effectiveness of online courses and what aspects should be taken into account for proper subtitling.

Learning Analytics in online training

may 2020
How can learning data analysis improve your online course and help you create more effective learning experiences?

What is WebQuest and why is it good for learning?

may 2020
The WebQuest is a didactic strategy in which the student becomes an active protagonist of his/her own learning process. Let's find out how WebQuest works and what its strengths are.

The future of distance learning - Infographic

april 2020
What are the characteristics of distance learning and what are the future prospects of this specific training modality?

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Articles from 91 to 120 of 133