Articles about the category Planning

e-Learning-News » Planning

How to use Learner Personas to design courses

11 May 2022
Marketers routinely use Buyer Personas to meet the needs of their market. Let's find out how to apply this technique to the production of content for eLearning courses.

eLearning and transmedia storytelling

4 May 2022
How to use transmedia storytelling to create engaging eLearning courses? Here are some good practices.

Psychology and eLearning, the learning guidelines

13 April 2022
In the field of education, psychology provides important theories on how to ensure satisfactory learning outcomes. Let's discover the three main theories.

E-learning and cybersecurity: skills to be transferred

6 April 2022
When designing a format for eLearning courses, at least three competences to be administered to users must be taken into account. Let us find out what they are

5 Tools to Become a Freelance Instructional Designer

23 March 2022
Working as an instructional designer means having professional roots in multimedia design, but also having the right interpersonal skills.

How to use visuals to enhance learning

23 March 2022
Visuals have the power to enrich communication and stimulate emotional response. So let's discover how to leverage visual elements to facilitate learning

Format for eLearning: communicating products effectively

9 March 2022
How to prepare the format of an eLearning course with which to present the main points of the project and develop them with appropriate modifications?

The evolution of synthetic voices: opportunities and risks

2 March 2022
Advances in the application of deep learning algorithms make it possible to produce artificial voices that are increasingly more lifelike than human language. An interesting development also for the creation of eLearning courses. 

From powerpoint to motion graphics: effective corporate slideshows

23 February 2022
Among the starting materials for the realization of courses in eLearning mode, the most used is certainly the slide presentation in Powerpoint format. 

Learning objects: what they are and what they are used for

23 February 2022
When we talk about eLearning training we often hear about Learning Objects (LO). But what exactly are they and how do they improve the instructional design of an online course?

Writing the script for an online course with animated characters

9 February 2022
Writing a good animated episode for eLearning is subject to a number of cinematic rules, especially in the writing and design phase. Let's analyze the fundamental steps

The 5 motion graphics infographics that make a difference in eLearning

26 January 2022
Why and when is it appropriate to make an animated infographic? Here are 5 tips for this type of asset in your e-learning productions. 

Action mapping and eLearning: the advantages

1 December 2021
If the results of an online course are not as desired, a tool that can help improve training design is action mapping.

How to keep motivation high in online courses

24 November 2021
Tips for engaging employees in online training by focusing on time, skills, content and purpose.

UDL: what it is and how to use it for inclusive education

28 July 2021
How do we use Universal Design for Learning to create courses that provide all students with an equal opportunity for success?

How to create an accessible online course?

21 July 2021
Accessibility is a fundamental requirement to meet the needs of all online learners. But how to make a course accessible?

Tips for framing learning objectives

14 July 2021
Structuring and planning learning objectives is critical to having an overview of the online course to be offered to learners.

Creative ideas for updating an online course

23 June 2021
Are your online courses dated? Here are some creative ideas for updating the content of an eLearning course.

Tips for "condensing" the content of an online course

16 June 2021
Companies are requiring increasingly shorter courses to meet the needs and time constraints of employees. How to shorten an online course?

10 interactive contents to include in an online course

16 June 2021
Want to increase the motivation and engagement of your online learners? Here are 10 pieces of interactive content you need to include in your course.

Design thinking to support eLearning design

2 June 2021
How to apply design thinking to eLearning design to develop people-centered learning solutions?

How to simplify the maintenance of online courses

26 May 2021
How to implement a maintenance plan to ensure that an online course remains valid and relevant in the medium and long term?

Four types of knowledge: definition and application to online courses

19 May 2021
What are the four types of knowledge identified by Andersen and Krathwol and how to apply them to eLearning?

Montessori Method and eLearning: What do they have in common?

12 May 2021
Why the Montessori Method is perfect for eLearning.

What are interactions in eLearning and what skills do they develop?

28 April 2021
What is the role of interactions in an online course and how do they help develop problem solving skills?

How to create a video tutorial for an online course

14 April 2021
From screen recordings to publishing: how to make video tutorials with an authoring tool for eLearning and a good story

7 types of writing needed to produce an eLearning course

7 April 2021
Let's find out how many types of texts are needed within an eLearning course and what characteristics they should have.

Using Gagné's 9 events to create effective online courses

31 March 2021
Let's find out how to apply one of the most popular instructional design models in the world to eLearning: Gagné's 9 events.

How to create an online course in 12 steps

24 March 2021
Everything you need to know to create an online course: from choosing the topic, to promoting and evaluating the course.

Apply the chunked method in an online course

17 March 2021
A remedy for declining attention and motivation in eLearning? The segmented lecture.

Articles from 61 to 90 of 356